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Překlad: Vrae, Coblich, Kirara, Peth a Haberturdeur.
Pod značkou +/- se skrývá obsah
Rok | Vydání |
1335 AE | Pokračuj do End of Dragons |
1332-1334 AE | Living World: Season 5: The Icebrood Saga |
1332-1333 AE | Living World: Season 5: The Icebrood Saga - Prolog |
1330-1332 AE | Living World: Season 4 |
1330-1332 AE | Living World: Season 4 - Prolog |
1330 AE | Path of Fire |
1330 AE | Path of Fire - Prolog |
1330 AE | Path of Fire - Ostatní |
1328-1329 AE | Zpět na Heart of Thorns |
Living World: Season 5: The Icebrood Saga
Vydání +/- | Obsah +/- |
Lunar New Year (Lunar New Year 2022) |
(Opakující se festival) Šťastný nový rok! Nový rok přichází do Kryty a k jejím občanům! Všichni Tyrijští jsou zváni do Divinity's Reach ke svátečním aktivitám, tradičním oslavám a veselí, aby začali nový rok v dobré náladě. Zúčastněte se zapalování petard, užijte si nový sváteční závod, soutěžte v Dragon Ball aréně a získejte sváteční obálky obsahující různé odměny. Celý výtěžek ze svátečních výrobků bude darován na podporu občanů evakuovaných při nedávných událostech. Ať naleznete s vašimi milovanými mnoho štěstí v tomto roce a v těch následujících! |
A Very Merry Wintersday | (Opakující se festival) Svátky nejenom radosti, ale i obav a strachu boje mezi Dwaynou a Grenthem. Mezitím co si vychutnával komandér hry v Divinity's Reach přisla zpráva z místního sirotčince, že Grawnk ukradl a schoval sirotkům ozdoby a nechce odejít. Po vyjednání teplým jídlem a nalezení ozdob mohou konečně začít ty pravé Wintersday svátky. Winter Wonderland |
Shadow of the Mad King 2021 | (Opakující se festival) Před 500 lety byl zavražděn Krytský král a tyran svým vlastním lidem, poté, co už lidé nedokázali déle trpět jeho krutovládu. Říká se, že tělo krále bylo rozsekáno na kousky a jeho duše byl poslána do Underworld, s podmínkou, že každý rok se může na jeden den vrátit do světa smrtelníků a to přesně na Halloween. Mad King’s Clock TowerJumping puzzle inspirovaný pražským orlojem. |
Festival of the Four Winds 2021 | |
Dragon Bash | |
Side Story - Current Events | After witnessing the clash between the two Elder Dragons, Taimi and Gorrik returned to the Eye of the North, setting up a laboratory near Aurene so they could study and investigate the dragon cycle and any changes to the world from the magical fallout. As there were no visible consequences from the deaths of the dragons yet, Taimi suggested that either Aurene was able to contain the excess magic alone, something else got its share of magic, or that the world is simply short on time. To help with the research, Gorrik proposed to the Commander that they could use the Scrying Pool to search the Commander's memories of their past battles and struggles against the Elder Dragons. Although the Commander initially protested, in the end they accepted and went to relive their memories, starting with following the disturbance in Brisban Wildlands. |
Champions - Chapter 4: Judgment | With both dragons primed for a clash, they are lured out to a field so that their champions and minions can battle each other. The Commander and any allies willing and able meet them on the battlefield and ensure that one side doesn't overtake the other. Eventually, both Jormag and Primordus are weakened and enraged enough that the two lunge at each other, destroying each other in the process. In the aftermath of their crash, both Braham and Ryland lose their champion status and return to normal. However, while Braham is relieved to be free of the influence, Ryland still holds a lot of anger. After a long fight with him against the Commander and both his parents, Ryland is killed and dies in Rytlock's arms. |
Super Adventure Festival | (Opakující se festival) Moto, asurský genius, se objevil v Rata Sum, aby předvedl svůj nejnovější vynález: Super Adventure Box. Představuje ho jako zábavní vynález a ačkoli mu bylo nabídnuto několik nabídek od potencionálních investorů, všechny odmítl. Naštěstí, hrdinové jsou vítáni, aby tuto "hru" otestovali a zjistili, kdo se dokáže dostat přes všechny úrovně. World 1 Zone 1Vstup do první zóny. Kettova laboratořSnaff byl asurský genius. Po jeho smrti se předává ocenění jeho jménem. |
Champions - Chapter 3: Balance | After discovering Jormag's atrocities under the guise of "helping" with Primordus research, Aurene attempts to negotiate with Jormag through their Voice. Aurene and Jormag verbally spar which results in a stalemate. Responding to news of an Icebrood and Frost Legion attack on Caledon Forest, the commander finds whole villages of Caledon's residents frozen in ice. The Commander and Canach find surprise Tengu allies and defeat an Icebrood Giant outside the Aerie outside of the Dominion of Winds. On return to the Eye of the North, the commander uses the scrying pool to witness Braham and the Spirits of the Wild on a journey to become Primordus' Champion. Braham and the spirits travel to the heart of Primordus' volcano lair, battling destroyers as they journey to the heart of the volcano. After defeating a gigantic destroyer, Braham and the spirits merge as Primordus' Champion in hopes of steering the dragon directly into battle with Jormag. Each of the spirits offer their unique power in combination with Braham to focus Primordus into attacking Jormag directly The Commander gets word of a change in the leadership of the Flame Legion, which Crecia Stoneglow hoped would result in a united charr. Heading to negotiations at Bloodtide Coast, the Commander and Olmakhan allies are attacked by Icebrood, which are ultimately defeated after shoring up a nearby lighthouse as a defensible location. Rytlock contacts the Commander to support saving the remaining Flame Legion in Fireheart Rise under direct attack from destroyers. As the battle culminated on the bridge outside of the Citadel of Flame, Braham joined the battle, transformed into a dragon champion. Forces of fire and flame clash on the bridge and the Commander and allies manage to prevail without harming Braham. |
Lunar New Year (Lunar New Year 2021) |
(Opakující se festival) Šťastný nový rok! Nový rok přichází do Kryty a k jejím občanům! Všichni Tyrijští jsou zváni do Divinity's Reach ke svátečním aktivitám, tradičním oslavám a veselí, aby začali nový rok v dobré náladě. Zúčastněte se zapalování petard, užijte si nový sváteční závod, soutěžte v Dragon Ball aréně a získejte sváteční obálky obsahující různé odměny. Celý výtěžek ze svátečních výrobků bude darován na podporu občanů evakuovaných při nedávných událostech. Ať naleznete s vašimi milovanými mnoho štěstí v tomto roce a v těch následujících! |
Champions - Chapter 2: Power | |
A Very Merry Wintersday | (Opakující se festival) Svátky nejenom radosti, ale i obav a strachu boje mezi Dwaynou a Grenthem. Mezitím co si vychutnával komandér hry v Divinity's Reach přisla zpráva z místního sirotčince, že Grawnk ukradl a schoval sirotkům ozdoby a nechce odejít. Po vyjednání teplým jídlem a nalezení ozdob mohou konečně začít ty pravé Wintersday svátky. Winter Wonderland |
Champions - Chapter 1: Truce | |
Shadow of the Mad King 2020 | (Opakující se festival) Před 500 lety byl zavražděn Krytský král a tyran svým vlastním lidem, poté, co už lidé nedokázali déle trpět jeho krutovládu. Říká se, že tělo krále bylo rozsekáno na kousky a jeho duše byl poslána do Underworld, s podmínkou, že každý rok se může na jeden den vrátit do světa smrtelníků a to přesně na Halloween. Mad King’s Clock TowerJumping puzzle inspirovaný pražským orlojem. |
Sunqua Peak Fractal | |
Festival of the Four Winds 2020 | |
Jormag Rising | Malice summoned the Commander back to Drizzlewood Coast with news of a plan to push north. The glacier blocking their path to Bangar had receded revealing a cave at the end of the western beach. With the coast guarded by Dominion, Malice devised a plan to clear out the beach and the cave to establish a base further north. The Commander, Crecia, Rytlock and Braham disguised as enemy soldiers to destroy Dominion cannons lining the beach. After defeating a Frost Legion centurion, the group met up with one of Malice's double agents. He told them about the mass conversion of Dominion into Frost Legion taking place in the heavily fortified Frost Citadel. They also learned that Jormag was inside the keep and was close to waking. The Commander continued to clear out the caves until they could join Malice in the camp that was already established ahead of them. The group questioned why Bangar would want to convert so many of his own soldiers, wondering if Jormag was actually the one in control. Awaiting Smodur's siege engines to join them, Braham went to investigate some norn ruins south of a possible entrance to the Frost Citadel while the others turned to fighting Bangar's army. The Commander joined Braham at the ruins which turned out to be the location where the Spirits of the Wild first revealed themselves to the norn. A tall door leading into the enemy keep stood infront of the ruins. Braham hoped to open the door by using the power of the Spirits and offered to stay and study the ruins further. The Commander left Braham to take out enemy communication towers and sabotage the Dominion. While out, Braham discovered that he would need the power of all the Spirits, including the corrupted ones, in order to open the door to the citadel. The Commander was called back to camp shortly after finishing up in the field to solve another disagreement involving Smodur, and this time, Braham. When the Commander made it back to the camp, Braham and Smodur were still arguing over strategy. Braham was worried that a direct assault would be too obvious and wanted to use the entrance at the ruins as a way of infiltrating the Frost Citadel. Believing Braham's mission to be both a waste of time and resources, Smodur prefered a full-on assault with all manpower focused on the keep's front door. The group was split between the two options with Efram leaning towards supporting Braham and Rytlock reluctantly agreeing with Smodur. Before the Commander could share their own views, the camp was hit by a suprise attack led by Ryland. Smodur was shot dead before anyone could react. After holding off the attack the group was left to find a replacement for Smodur as commander of the Iron forces. Because of Efram's recent experience fighting alongside Smodur and time constraints, Efram was given the important role of leading the United Legions army. Cinder decided that the group should be open to Braham's idea but that they could only wait until their own army was ready to march or else they would be giving Jormag too much time to wake. Braham agreed and he and the Commander returned to the norn ruins to continue their attempts at opening the door. At the ruins, the Commander saw a vision of a shaman hiding the totems of three of the Lesser Spirits. Braham explained that they would need to be retreived to open the door. Leaving Braham behind to prove his worth to the other Lesser Spirits, the Commander sought out the lost totems. Each Spirit presented a challenge to test the Commander before they could obtain the totems. The missing totems were guarded by Ox, who tested the Commander's strength; Wolverine, who tested their comabat ability; and Eagle, who transformed the Commander into the bird-of-prey to test their speed in flight. Having gained the respect of each Spirit, the Commander returned to Braham to find Rytlock and Crecia eager to open the door. The Spirits gave the group a riddle through Braham who acted as a vessel from which they could speak. The riddle gave clues which helped the group rearrange the totems into an order that unlocked the power of the Spirit and opened the door to the Frost Citadel. In the process, Braham learned the truth of Owl's fate. Owl had not perished, as the norn had thought, from fighting Jormag during the norn exodus. She was in fact corrupted by the Elder Dragon and had locked herself away in the Sanctum of the Wild to avoid lending her power to the ice dragon. By opening the door, Braham had freed the corrupted Spirit, giving Jormag the power they needed to awaken. Regretting his actions, Braham followed Rytlock, Crecia and the Commander through the back door of the Frost Citadel while their allies outside led a frontal assault on the fortified keep. As Efram and Malice blasted through the front doors, the Commander's small group slowly climbed up the citadel while cutting through Frost Legion soldiers. The Commander made it to the top with ease, but the room hosting Jormag was sealed off with a wall of ice. Crecia's magic wasn't strong enough to melt the ice which required a stronger flame to counteract Jormag's power. The group needed Efram to break through the wall, but the United Legions army was blocked off by thick walls of ice that would have taken too long to get through. In order to unite the two groups, the Commander grabbed a nearby charrzooka and blew a hole through the roof. Malice and Efram joined the Commander by flying through the hole and Efram was able to melt the ice blocking the final room with the help of Sohothin. As the allies charged into the room they found Bangar sapping the power of the Great Spirits of the Wild with the hopes of using it to control Jormag. As the Commander engaged Bangar, Ryland appeared and joined in on fighting the Blood imperator. With Bangar and Ryland in full combat, the Commander turned their attention to freeing the Spirits of the Wild from Bangar's control. Once the four Spirits were freed, the allies joined Ryland in attacking Bangar. Despite Bangar being outnumbered, he was saved by the waking of Jormag, but to his dismay, was chosen to become the new Voice of Jormag and became icebrood rather than the Elder Dragon's puppeteer as he had hoped. Instead, Jormag chose Ryland to become their champion. Accepting the offer, Ryland also became icebrood, but much stronger, and fled with the Elder Dragon leaving Bangar behind. Once gone, Jormag spoke through Bangar, promising many conversations in the future. The citadel began to collapse and the allies made the quick decision to bring Bangar, who had appeared to lose his voice, to the Eye of the North. On arrival, Aurene shared her concern over the waking of Jormag. Bangar was imprisoned and Aurene explained that he could be used to speak with Jormag, though it seemed that it could only be when the ice dragon desired. Without knowing what Jormag had planned, Aurene dismissed the Commander, explaining that she would contact them once they had a clue to the Elder Dragon's whereabouts. |
Dragon Bash | |
No Quarter | With a bloody civil war raging between the charr, Ryland proposed a parley to the newly-formed United Legions. Crecia extended the invitation to the Commander who was advised to have Rytlock bring them to the meeting. The Commander arrived in Drizzlewood Coast mid-meeting where Ryland demanded that the United Legions surrender and support Bangar's campaign. The allied charr legions refused, stressing the dangers of waking Jormag and being strongly opposed to rewarding the rogue Blood Legion Imperator for disrupting the fragile unity amongst the charr. Logan and Kasmeer arrived during the meeting with a troop of Seraph intent on repaying the charr for assistance given during the Siege of Divinity's Reach. However, at the sight of the sudden arrival of humans, Ryland called off the parley with both sides having gained nothing from the brief dialogue. With Ryland gone, the allies were forced to decide on a tactic to defeat Bangar's army. Malice and Smodur disagreed on strategy with Smodur eager to face the enemy head on while the Ash imperator was keen on a subtler approach. With the Commander's help, Crecia and the imperators established a military strategy. While the leader's of the United Legions were focused on regaining territory from Ryland, Rytlock and the Commander turned their attention to improving morale around the allied camps. After completing a variety of tasks for the centurions in charge of support, the Commander was ready to get into the field and stop Ryland. Fortunately, Rytlock had overheard Dominion officers talking about "diving deep" while searching for enemy centurions, a secret reference to the hidden headquarters of the Steel warband. Crecia deduced that the base was somewhere in Breakroot Basin and accompanied the Commander, Rytlock and the allied imperators to the seemingly unoccupied territory to investigate. Upon locating the base, Malice and Smodur again disagreed on tactics. Malice sought a covert operation over Smodur's offensive approach to infiltrating the Dominion camp. Malice's allies agreed with her plan, however, once reaching the doors to the Dominion war room, the impatient Smodur drew his weapon and charged in ready for a fight. Despite a lack of team synergy, the allies defeated the Dominion forces and subdued Cinder Steeltemper, Ryland's second-in-command. Smodur wanted to kill her in order to showcase the United Leagions' strength, but Crecia pursuaded the others to keep her as a prisoner in order to coax Ryland back to the bargaining table. Smodur angrily returned to the field to fight while Malice set out to get the message of Cinder's capture to Ryland to recommence their parley. While awaiting news from Malice, Rytlock and the Commander lent their aid to the Iron imperator. Smodur provided minimal information to his new helpers, leading them on a mysterious mission to charge a crystal provided by an allied Flame Legion Fire Shaman. After charging the crystal with the power of a flame core, the Commander delivered the device to a vent East of Petraj Overlook. Smodur disclosed that the device was a powerful grenade that would destroy Dominion resources below. However, after detonating the grenade, it was discovered that the 'resources' were in fact Dominion soldiers. Angry at being maniuplated by Smodur, the Commander and Rytlock went to survey the damage they had done. Among the casualties in the Dominion camp was one of Malice's personal guards, leading Rytlock to question the allegiance of the Ash imperator. Hearing from Crecia of Ryland's willingness to meet, Rytlock and the Commander returned to the hidden Dominion base to rejoin their allies. Learning of Smodur's use of a searing crystal in the destruction of a Dominion camp, Smodur and Efram fought over the ethics of war. After the Commander stepped in to break up the fight, Ryland arrived ready to talk. Crecia appeared stronger in these negotiations now that the United Legions had taken most of the Southern Drizzlewood Coast. She asked Ryland to rejoin the legions after losing most of his warbandmates to the war and reasserted the dangers of waking Jormag. Ryland, seemingly interested in making an offer, demanded that Cinder be let go as a show of good faith, and Crecia mulled over his request. Outraged that this proposition was even considered, Smodur ended negotiations by plunging his dagger into Cinder's neck. Ryland charged at Smodur who was quickly protected by Crecia's magic. Feeling betrayed, Ryland fled towards Wolf's Crossing where the Commander and their allies encountered an icebrood-looking Varinia Stormsounder and the newly-founded Frost Legion. Once the Minister of Morale was defeated, the allies returned to the old Dominion hideout, angry at Smodur, and discussed plans for what to do next. Malice disclosed that she had double agents within the Dominion forces who could provide intel on Bangar's movements. The group agreed to keep fighting while waiting for an opening up North to continue their pursuit of Bangar and Ryland. |
Super Adventure Festival | (Opakující se festival) Moto, asurský genius, se objevil v Rata Sum, aby předvedl svůj nejnovější vynález: Super Adventure Box. Představuje ho jako zábavní vynález a ačkoli mu bylo nabídnuto několik nabídek od potencionálních investorů, všechny odmítl. Naštěstí, hrdinové jsou vítáni, aby tuto "hru" otestovali a zjistili, kdo se dokáže dostat přes všechny úrovně. World 1 Zone 1Vstup do první zóny. Kettova laboratořSnaff byl asurský genius. Po jeho smrti se předává ocenění jeho jménem. |
Visions of the Past: Steel and Fire | Aurene introduces the Commander to the Scrying Pool in the Hall of Monuments. She shares a vision of the past, letting the Commander experience what Ryland Steelcatcher's warband were up to between the events of the Prologue and Whisper in the Dark. The Steel warband successfully guided their tank through treacherous terrain infested with Stone Summit Dwarves, but were unable to navigate through to the Bjora Pass. Bangar Ruinbringer and Ryland then attempted to find a new path through the Darkrime Delves. During their travels, they came across Almorra Soulkeeper (who had been kidnapped by the Svanir under the influence of Jormag). Although they initially worked together to overcome the Icebrood, Almorra bickered with Bangar, and - acting on the orders of Bangar Ruinbringer - Ryland defeated Almorra. Bangar then finished her off and instructed Ryland to hide the body in the Darkrime Ruins. |
Shadow in the Ice | Jhavi contacted the Commander some time after the liberation of the Raven Sanctum, passing on the information that Rytlock and Crecia had not reported in for days and Braham had headed westward on his own to search for them. The Commander followed suit, spying a spectral Wolf beckoning westward. On the way to Braham, the Commander discovered Eir's dire wolf companion Garm who was under attack by the Sons of Svanir, and he led the Commander to Braham after they had defeated the ambush. Reuniting with the norn who was just as surprised by Garm's sudden appearance as the Commander was, the pair and the dire wolf headed even further west to the remote kodan settlement of Still Waters Speaking. Several of the kodan there had begun to lose themselves to the whispers plaguing the region, especially as the settlement had already lost their Voice. Rytlock and Crecia were being held captive in the settlement due to the kodan suspecting them to be Bangar's spies, but thanks to Braham and the Commander who conversed with the settlement's Claw called Cloudseeker, the two charr were released. Cloudseeker revealed that the whispers were coming from Drakkar, a champion of Jormag who had seduced Jhavi's great-granduncle Svanir to join the Ice Dragon's cause and led to the creation of the Sons of Svanir cult in the past. Leeching the power of the lost Spirits of Ox, Eagle and Wolverine and the magic of profane Idols of Jormag scattered throughout the region, Drakkar could heal itself and remained effectively immortal and thus impossible to defeat in its current empowered state. After helping the kodan strengthen their base and purify points of power from Jormag's influence, Braham and Garm found a hidden shrine to Wolf and invited the Commander and Jhavi there while Rytlock and Crecia tracked the movements of Bangar's army. Upon meeting at the shrine, the group witnessed Wolf himself appearing before them and tasking Braham, who had become a chosen norn via fulfilling the conditions of an ancient prophecy by cracking Jormag's fang in the past, with purifying the fallen shrines of Ox, Eagle and Wolverine and convince the lost Spirits to lend their aid against Drakkar. To keep Jormag's champion from noticing what the party was up to, Jhavi volunteered to take a squad of Vigil and kodan to fight Drakkar who had tarnished her family's name. Braham traveled to the shrines and purified them for a short while with the Commander and other spiritual norn's help. After each ritual, Braham confronted each of the lost Spirits who remained skeptical of his worth and challenged his beliefs. One by one, though, they agreed to help as Braham proved himself to them. Once the shrines had been cleansed and the idols of Jormag had been shattered, Jhavi and Cloudseeker's forces chased Drakkar into a nearby cave, so that it could no longer draw on the magic of the valley, while a party led by the Commander descended into the cave to corner the wounded dragon champion. However, Jormag's power remained strong, and Rytlock and Crecia both fell under the influence of the whispers, trying instead to attack the Commander than the dragon champion during the battle. The Commander was forced to knock the pair out before turning back to Drakkar whom Braham and the lost Spirits blasted and froze it in crystalline form. Before the party could celebrate their victory, a fragment of Jormag's power, the Whisper of Jormag, emerged from Drakkar's corpse and revealed itself as the true source of the whispers. It initially offered to talk, but the Commander refused to listen. The Whisper successfully made Braham doubt himself in the ensuing battle, and even forced the Commander to fight themself in their mind before Bangar and Ryland suddenly arrived to help finish the vessel off with Braham's bow. Recovering from the mental onslaught, the party confronted Bangar who revealed that he would claim credit for defeating Drakkar and use the feat as proof that he alone could control Jormag and sway the legions behind him. When the Commander protested, Bangar shot them with a fiery arrow while claiming that a clash between the two of them had always been inevitable. Angered by the Blood Imperator's actions and worried about the Commander, Braham was finally able to embrace Wolf's blessing to Become the Wolf and attacked Bangar, only to wound Ryland who stepped in the way to protect his imperator. In the ensuing skirmish, Bangar and Ryland retreated back to their army while Crecia, Rytlock and Braham took the wounded Commander to safety. While the Commander was passed out, Aurene sensed their distress and had the party move to the Eye of the North where she was roosting, with the Commander resting by the Scrying Pool. Upon waking up and reuniting with Braham, Crecia, Rytlock and Jhavi, the recovering Commander received answers from Aurene about what had transpired in the world since the battle in the cave and what Aurene had been doing in the meantime. With the Commander out of the way, Bangar had claimed full credit for defeating Drakkar, which began fracturing the charr legions even more. Aurene reminded the party, however, that Bangar was only one piece in a bigger whole, and she was still uncertain about Jormag's true motives, so she suggested that the party bide their time for the time being and let Bangar make the first move in order to figure out what they should do next. TrailerVoice in the Deep |
Lunar New Year (Lunar New Year 2020) |
(Opakující se festival) Šťastný nový rok! Nový rok přichází do Kryty a k jejím občanům! Všichni Tyrijští jsou zváni do Divinity's Reach ke svátečním aktivitám, tradičním oslavám a veselí, aby začali nový rok v dobré náladě. Zúčastněte se zapalování petard, užijte si nový sváteční závod, soutěžte v Dragon Ball aréně a získejte sváteční obálky obsahující různé odměny. Celý výtěžek ze svátečních výrobků bude darován na podporu občanů evakuovaných při nedávných událostech. Ať naleznete s vašimi milovanými mnoho štěstí v tomto roce a v těch následujících! |
A Very Merry Wintersday | (Opakující se festival) Svátky nejenom radosti, ale i obav a strachu boje mezi Dwaynou a Grenthem. Mezitím co si vychutnával komandér hry v Divinity's Reach přisla zpráva z místního sirotčince, že Grawnk ukradl a schoval sirotkům ozdoby a nechce odejít. Po vyjednání teplým jídlem a nalezení ozdob mohou konečně začít ty pravé Wintersday svátky. TrailerWinter Wonderland |
Whisper in the Dark | Velitel paktu obdržuje zahádné volání od Almorry Soulkeeper, která je zve do Jora's Keep (Jorina pevnost) v Bjora Marches. Zaujati její zprávou, podivnou jak tónem, tak formulací, Velitel spolu s Rytlokem, Creciou, Brahamem a Marjory cestují do pevnosti a doufají, že se setkají s Almorou a jejím Vigilem. Místo uvítací skupiny nachází tábor prázdný, po prozkoumání objeví jeho obyvatele mrtvé, povražděné téměř bez odporu. Velitel vchází do kasáren s Brahamem, načež jsou oba uvězněni uvnitř záhadně zapečetěnými dveřmi. Aby utekli, Velitel používá prastarý artefakt zvaný "Raven's Lens" (havraní čočka), který se nachází uvnitř. S ním Velitel a Braham úspěšně odemknou dveře a připojí se k ostatním venku. Za pomoci čočky je Velitel schopný následovat Jhavi Jorasdottir a Almorry po cestě, kterou byly taženy, zatímco byly rukojmími norského muže z tábora, který se patrně přidal k Sons of Svanir. Velitel sleduje cestu, která ho nakonec zavádí do ledové jeskyně, kde jeden z Brahamových dřívějších spolubojovníků, Olar, drží Jhavi a nutí ji poslouchat Jormagovi posměšky. Jakmile je Jhavi osvobozena, zmiňuje že fraenir, zlý šaman který vede místní Sons of Svanir, se ukrývá uvnitř Raven Sanctum (Havraní svatyně). Aby se dostali dovnitř, budou potřebovat druhou čočku a ona že ví, že jednu měla u sebe Almorra. Také ji přijde divné, že je Almorra volala, jelikož její komunikátor byl zabaven, když byly zajaty. Tým se rozděluje, aby se v blízkých táborech podíval po jakékoliv stopě po Almoře a během toho všichni členové týmu slyší šeptání záhadného hlasu, který se je snaží nalomit. Nakonec nachází kódovaný vzkaz, který Jhavi řekne, že Almorra zamířila do Darkrime Delves. Velitel to jde prošetřit, ale najde Almorru už dlouho po smrti pohřbenou pod sutí a její meč vyčuhující poblíž. Po získání druhé čočky skupina používá obě, aby odemkla bránu vedoucí do svatyně, a jen Marjory se rozhodne zůstat v pevnosti. Toto místo bylo již dlouho zkouškou pro havrouny (nornské šamany) a tak Velitel prochází kombinací mystických bludišť a zkušebních scénářů popsaných Ravenem. Je význačné, že se zdá, že nabízené volby vedou pouze ke špatným výsledkům, ale Jhavi vysvětluje, že jsou tak schválně navrženy. Nakonec ve vnitřním sálu nachází Jormagova fraenira, který velel Svanirům v oblasti. Po tom co ho porazí je najednou zase oživen Jormagem jako loutka a tvrdí, že chce pomoct nejnovějšímu Elder drakovi Aurene přinést věčný mír do Tyrie, a také jak Aurene a její spojenci časem pochopí, že potřebují Jormagovu pomoc, aby čelili "strašným věcem, které se plíží za horizontem". Po vyslechnutí zprávy Braham říká, že rozhodně nemůžeme věřit Jormagovým slovům. Velitel souhlasí, ovšem až po dlouhém odmlčení. Trailer |
Shadow of the Mad King 2019 | (Opakující se festival) Před 500 lety byl zavražděn Krytský král a tyran svým vlastním lidem, poté, co už lidé nedokázali déle trpět jeho krutovládu. Říká se, že tělo krále bylo rozsekáno na kousky a jeho duše byl poslána do Underworld, s podmínkou, že každý rok se může na jeden den vrátit do světa smrtelníků a to přesně na Halloween. TrailerMad King’s Clock TowerJumping puzzle inspirovaný pražským orlojem. |
Bound by Blood (Prologue) | Po obdržení pozvánky účastnit se shromáždění charrských legií, několik členů Dračí hlídky se sešlo v Iron Citadel, aby vyrazili do Grothmar Valley. Marjory a Kasmeer přijeli po tom, co se Velitel setkal s Rytlockem, Gorrikem a Brahamem. Malá družina odletěla na sever, aby se následně rozešli různými směry a jen Rytlock a Braham zůstávali s Velitelem. Crecia Stoneglow je odvedla na zahajovací ceremonii na zvláštní místo vyhrazené pro Velitele. Po Bangarově zahajovací řeči, je zahájen ceremoniální souboj s "posledním" Branded přisluhovačem vedený Rylandem. Nicméně předtím, než mohl být doražen, Auren ho zkrystalizovala. Braham s Ryland se odešli socializovat a opíjet na festival a příležitostně informovali o svých činnostech, občas i záměrně. Mezitím se Velitel zúčastnil pár událostí a setkal se se všemi Imperátory a Eframem, úřadujícím vůdcem Ohnivé Legie. Zvěsti o problémech se šířili po táboře a pár charrů bylo nervózních. Nicméně, krátce na to Braham skončil ve vězení a zavolal Veliteli, aby ho osvobodil. Zdálo se, že když byl Braham zadržen, neměl u sebe svůj luk. Když jsme konfrontovali Bangara ohledně rozruchu, hlášení odbyl a místo toho se rozhodl házet špínu na Rytlocka. Rytlock zareagoval nešťastně a začal Imperátora škrtit, zatímco Crecia nezúčastněně přihlížela. Bangar přežil jenom proto, že Rytlock nechtěl břemeno toho stát se dalším Imperátorem Krvavé Legie. Když Rytlock odcházel ze schůzky, byl napaden skupinou charrských rváčů, ale rychle se s nimi vypořádal. Nicméně stále se něco děje a Velitel je odvolán kvůli další naléhavé situaci. Protože nějací charrové tropili neplechy ve fahraru, Kasmeer zamaskuje Velitele, aby vypadal jak Ryland a mohl to vyšetřit. Stopa nakonec vedla do válečné místnosti, kde pár charrů drží v zajetí Gorrika. Velitel zachránil Gorrika a pak se dozvěděl, že Bangar, Ryland a hrst charru ze všech Legii, včetně nějakých odpadlíků, vyrazilo do Shiverpeaks. Velitel, Rytlock a Crecia se je vydali pronásledovat a zjistili, že Bangar má Brahamův luk a vydal se najít Jormaga, Avšak kvůli sněžné bouři, zničenému mostu a ledovému elementálovi, Bangarova skupina utekla, zatímco Dračí hlídka čeká až se bouře přežene, aby je mohli pronásledovat. Úderná mise: Shiverpeakský průsmykKrátce po odchodu Bangarovi armády se Crecia a Rytlock rozhodli poslat skupinu dobrovolníků do Shiverpeakského průsmyku, aby prozkoumali oblast a zjistili, jestli už se podmínky zlepšili dost k obnově mostu, který předtím odpadlíci zničili. Po tom co se postavili zhoršujícímu se počasí a byli nuceni jít oklikou, průzkumníci ocitli tváří v tvář konstruktu Icebroodů, který měl ještě ničivější útoky než ten, se kterým předtím bojoval Velitel Paktu. Ačkoliv byl konstrukt poražen, vánice pokračovala. Crecia usoudila, že za vyvolání bouře musí být zodpovědný někdo jiný a rozhodla se vyslat později do průsmyku více průzkumníků. TrailerLiving World 5 - The Icebrood SagaOznamovací Trailer. |
Season 5 - Prolog
Season 4
Season 4 - Prolog
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Dragon's WatchGuilda založená Komandérem po pohřbu Eir, obsahující přátele, kteří pomohli zabít Mordremotha a Scarlet. Aurene - Glintin druhý potomek, odletěla pryč po tom, co pomohla Komandérovi zabít Balthazara. Kasmeer Meade - Lidská šlechtična a mesmerka, která pomohla zastavit Balthazara, Mordremotha a Scarlet. Během oslavy Balthazarovi porážky se opět shledala se svou milenkou Marjory. Marjory Delaqua - Canthská nekromancerka. Byla těžce zraněna, potom co se Balthazar přestal vydávat za Lazaruse, ale zotavila se a vydala se do Amnoonu po porážce Balthazara. Rox - Charrská rangerka, která byla s Brahamem na severu, aby bojovali s Jormagem. She is a gladium, as her former warband was killed in a mining accident. Rytlock Brimstone - Bývalý člen Destiny’s Edge, doprovázel Komandéra, aby pomohl zabít Balthazara v Crystal Desert a Eloně. Taimi - Asura, která opravila svého věrného golema Scruffyho, aby jí pomohl s pohybem, i přes to že měl pár much. Byla učednicí Zojji, ale nyní pracuje samostatně, protože Zojja se stále zotavuje. Dala Komandérovi na batoh komunikátor, takže mohou být stále v kontaktu. Hlavní padoušiKralkatorrik - The Elder Crystal Dragon, who has become far more powerful after he consumed the magic from Balthazar's death; he's flown throughout Kourna, continuing the Dragonbrand and spreading his influence as far as Amnoon and Istan. Palawa Joko - The Scourge of Vabbi (pohroma Vabbi), věčný král, který zabral území na jih od The Desolation po událostech Nightfallu, naposledy byl viděn v The Domain of Lost, kde ho uvěznil Balthazar. Ostatní postavyBlish - An asura of the Inquest, brother of Gorrik and old friend of Taimi, who knows something of Joko's plans. Braham Eirsson - Syn Eir Stegalkin, založil vlastní guildu, která bojuje proti Jormagovi a jmenuje se: „Destiny’s Edge“. He's always ready to argue with the Commander. Canach - A former sylvari criminal who was vacationing in Amnoon after being released from a long-term imprisonment and later serving under Lady Anise. He had been hanging out in the Amnoon casino, and had placed a rather large wager on the Commander defeating Kralkatorrik. Gorrik - An asura of the Inquest, brother of Blish and old friend of Taimi, who knows something of Joko's plans. Shadows Agent Kito - Člen Order of Shadows, sesterské organici Order of Whispers. On a Order of Shadows pomáhají Komandérovi v boji proti Balthazarovi a Jokovi. Sayida the Sly - A corsair pirate, captain of The Sly Crew, and descendant of Margrid the Sly. She's always after a way to make her legend and family name greater. Caithe - A mysterious Sylvari with a message. |
Path of Fire
Path of Fire - Prolog
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Dragon's WatchAurene — The second scion of Glint who has chosen the Pact Commander as her champion. She resides in the safety of Tarir, the Forgotten City under the care of the Exalted and is an integral part of a plan known as Glint's Legacy to ensure a brighter future for Tyria. Canach — A prickly Secondborn sylvari who finally has a chance to enjoy his freedom after having served his sentence under Countess Anise. He finds himself drawn to the conflicts in the Crystal Desert and lends a hand to the Commander once more. Lady Kasmeer Meade — Having regained her status as a noble, she acts as an envoy of Divinity's Reach. Her relationship with Marjory Delaqua has been troubled lately, and the treacherous actions of one of the Six whom she has worshipped have not made things any easier for her. She intends to find answers to Balthazar's rampage while coming to terms with her crisis of faith. Rytlock Brimstone — Tribune of the Blood Legion, he continues to be reluctant to divulge information about what has been going on with him lately. He travels to the Crystal Desert to fight Balthazar while coming to terms with the fact that by doing so he will have to protect Kralkatorrik, the very Elder Dragon whose actions cost the lives of two of his friends and led to the disbanding of Destiny's Edge many years prior. Taimi — An asuran progeny working with the Commander. She remains in her research lab in Rata Novus and aids the commander via long-distance communicator at signal spots throughout the desert. Main villainsAwakened and the Mordant CrescentArchon Iberu — A high ranking member of the Mordant Crescent, he works to maintain and extend Joko's influence throughout the region. Beastmarshal Oluwa Eranko — One of the Awakened generals in Palawa Joko's army. She is the commander of Elona's Awakened mounted units which utilize raptors. Grand Vizier Utumishi — The highest ranked human of King Palawa Joko I's empire, he has domain over non-military matters of the empire and works out of the Bone Palace. Palawa Joko — A powerful undead lich who has conquered Elona and rules over it with an iron grip. Master of the Awakened and the Mordant Crescent, he will stop at nothing to hunt down all remaining Sunspears who had once defied him so none can challenge him again. However, rumors have spread that Joko has disappeared shortly after Balthazar's arrival in the desert. Troopmarshal Olori Ogun — One of the Awakened generals in Palawa Joko's army. He is the commander of the Awakened infantry regiment. Wurmmarshal Osa Ekolo — One of the Awakened generals in Palawa Joko's army. She trains Junundu wurms and leads them into battles. BrandedJosso Essher — One of the leaders of the Forgotten in service to Glint. He led an assault on the Elder Crystal Dragon in hopes of cleansing it, but he and his forces were corrupted in turn. Now he stands vigil over Augury Rock. Kralkatorrik — The Elder Dragon with dominion over crystal. After slaying the benevolent dragon prophet Glint and the asuran genius Snaff in a battle against Destiny's Edge many years prior, he has marked many territories in the Crystal Desert as his own and grown an army of Branded minions to enact his will. Just before the events of Path of Fire, he has been empowered by the deaths of the Elder Dragons Zhaitan and Mordremoth and flown further south to the Domain of Vabbi. ForgedBalthazar — One of the Six Human Gods, he has gone rogue and intends to grow in power to have his revenge on the ones who have "dimmed his light" no matter the cost to the world of Tyria. He has set his eyes on the magic of the Elder Dragons, the closest and most viable target currently being Kralkatorrik. His forces consist of both his fanatical followers such as the Zaishen Order as well as the Forged, an army of constructed minions. Herald of Balthazar — The highest ranking member of the Forged and right hand of Balthazar, she leads the Forged in searching for what Balthazar needs to take down Kralkatorrik. She has set her sights on the Commander, believing that such a hero could aid Balthazar in hunting down the dragons either as a willing ally...or an enslaved thrall. Other charactersCaptain Ellen Kiel — A member of the Captain's Council in Lion's Arch, as Elonian refugees arrive at her city, Kiel lends her ship and Lionguard to aid the Pact Commander in the new conflict. First Mate Fidus Foecrush — The First Mate for Captain Ellen Kiel. Captain Rahim — The captain of the Cavaliers in the Free City of Amnoon. Chief Councilor Imann — Head of the council in the Free City of Amnoon, she tries to protect the interests of her people and keep the city safe from those who would wish it harm. Zalambur — A well-known businessman and socialiate who runs the Grand Sahil Casino in Amnoon, he is rumored to have ties to the Hamaseen criminal organization. Shadows Agent Kito — A member of the Order of Shadows who volunteered to be stationed at the Temple of Kormir. He helps the Pact Commander with the pursuit of Balthazar. Queens Dahlah and Nahlah — The twin queens from the Primeval Dynasty. They enjoyed all the luxuries of being royalty, but when the Scarab Plague hit, they were blamed for it by their citizens. |
The direct threats posed by the Elder Dragons Jormag and Primordus have abated, with both dragons once again asleep and inactive. The White Mantle is broken, and Lazarus the Dire, last of the Mursaat, is truly dead, at last. However, research into the magical energies of the world and the Elder Dragons has suggested that, with two Elder Dragons dead, if a third were to die, the world would be destroyed from the overload of magical energy. In the moments after Lazarus's death, the Eye of Janthir revealed that Balthazar was establishing a presence in the Crystal Desert, intent on slaying Kralkatorrik. And so the Commander and Dragon's Watch travel south to the desert, to, of all things, save the Elder Dragon that broke Destiny's Edge. |
Path of Fire - Ostatní
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